To manage all requests and follow-up on all medical records and billing requests for the firm in a timely and efficient manner.
a. Responsible for setting up all evaluation/treatment visits such as MRI’s, physical therapy, injections, etc. when tasked by the paralegal.
b. Provide LOG and/or pay invoice for initial services rendered.
c. Responsible for reminding clients of upcoming appointments, if necessary.
d. Responsible for gathering medical records/bills from providers after treatment.
e. Medical Recaps f. Medical Chronology - After $100,000 in medicals, send to Paralegal Ease
g. Review records received to confirm records match what was ordered.
h. Records received daily through mail/fax are scanned by the receptionist.
i. Records received by email directly to the medical records clerk are attached to SA by the medical records clerk.
j. Indicate records received on the medical records tab, whether they are certified and that the request is complete (enter date).
k. Email attorney and paralegal medical records received by email.
l. Review records for consistency; treatment updates, recommendations, and/or references to additional treatment procedures (past or future).
m. Enter the new provider information into the medical provider tab. Make SA note and send to the attorney/paralegal team informing them of any new discovery in medical treatment info.
The candidates should have legal experience, preferably experience with Medicare, learn quickly, be proactive, and have a good level of English. The client's non-negotiables are C1 English, experience in legal firms related to medical procedures, no attrition alerts and someone who knows how to follow instructions.
Air Liquide
Concierge Auctions
Atlantis Consulting
Star Anise (Legal and Compliance Recruitment Consultancy)