Future of work: Our vision

Your dreamed #futureofwork starts today with Jobgether !

The world of work has entered a phase of profound transformation, probably the most important since the industrial revolution.

Thanks to digital technology and the accelerating effect of the Covid crisis, nothing will ever be the same again.

For white-collar workers/executives, this will mean more freedom and the possibility to choose where, when,
how and with whom they work, according to their constraints, desires and personality.

While a majority of P&MS today say they are dissatisfied with their work, we are convinced that this revolution will be positive and will result in a better alignment between workers aspirations and their jobs.

Rather than remain spectators, at Jobgether we have chosen to facilitate the development of this new world of work, by making it easy for candidates to find the job that really suits them, without having to search for it in a world that has become complex and full of possibilities.


Gone are the days you had to go to work everyday!

"Going to the office" is an expression inherited from a world where it was imperative to carry out one\'s job in a production unit, with machines that could not be transported. In an era where the tools of the trade are laptops and smartphones, why bother with this constraint, which has serious consequences for the environment and the well-being of workers, who are sometimes forced to travel for three hours a day?

The covid crisis accelerated the revolution that was already on its way. Tomorrow, workplaces will be hybrid, third places and coworking will be everywhere, and everyone will choose the mix of face - to - face and telework that really suits them.Despite the last convulsions of the old onsite schemes, companies will adapt to these new talent requirements and it will no longer be possible to impose a single model for all.
Chosen flexibility will be the norm!

With Jobgether, you can choose the job that allows you to work at your own pace, in the way that suits you!

Remote work employee
30 %

Of office time could disappear by 2030 according to Bill Gates

40 %

of American employees say they would look for a new job if