Founded in 2015, 4DS Corp. is a NY based multi-asset logistics, e-commerce and business solutions organization with a large variety of products and brands under its portfolio. We are a global importer, distributor and retailer, consisting a collection of multiple sub-companies involved in a variety of brands and industries, which span across food services, office supplies, electronics, solutions, payments and more.
我們是位於美國紐約的電子商貿公司。產品涵蓋廣泛,發展迅速。現招聘一位100%遠程平面設計師 / 美術編輯 來加入我們!如果你享受在家上班,時間自由的話,歡迎投遞簡歷諮詢!
職位介紹 Job Description
我們希望尋找一位有良好設計美學,了解用戶需求,精通Adobe Photoshop,Illutstrator, inDesign 的平面設計師或美術編輯。你將需要有強大的團隊合作能力,以及同時能 接手多個項目。主要工作內容為:產品圖片設計,海報設計,網站插圖設計,矢量圖設計等。
由於該職位為100%遠程,我們需要你可以合理妥善安排時間 (工作時長為一周5天,一天8小時),參與多時區(美東時區優先)會議,自覺主動完成安排項目。
Our ideal candidate will be interested in producing quality user-centric contents/designs using Adobe Photoshop, illustrator, inDesign, etc They will be able to work as part of a team and be comfortable collaborating on multiple projects. We’re looking for someone with exceptional problem-solving and organizational skills and the ability to manage their own time.
職位要求 Qualifications
All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.
ARTISAN - Creative and Digital Recruitment