Sky has an amazing and vibrant community of socially minded players, and we are tirelessly working on solutions to deepen player interaction and create lasting friendships. We are seeking a backend engineer to work on backend game services
On any given day at thatgamecompany, you might:
Design and implement large-scale, highly available backend systems that serve thousands to millions of concurrent players and aim for zero downtime.
Embrace modern container and cluster management technology to make our backend stack more elastic and robust.
Improve and maintain an agile and reliable development environment for the backend stack, so that people with different skillsets in the company can do social experiments easily, and new hires can ramp up quickly.
Monitor the backend health and respond to any failures or glitches to deliver a smooth online experience to players worldwide; keep improving dev-ops tools to make the job more automatic and error-proof.
We expect you to:
Have deep passion and thoughts for video games; be a gamer and think on behalf of players.
Be comfortable taking risks and accomplish engineering achievements that no one else has done.
Enjoy working with fast-moving and rapidly-growing small teams.
Required Skills
1 year or more experience in backend development and deployment in a production environment.
Have a thorough understanding of scalable and highly available backend systems; be familiar with open-source distributed system tech stacks, including but not limited to scalable databases, caching strategy, distributed transactions, and dev-ops tools.
Be able to extract useful information from different sources of logs, find correlations between multiple layers of systems, and diagnose failures, suspicious behaviors, and performance bottlenecks from bottom to top.
Be comfortable working with the Linux ecosystem; be fluent in Linux or macOS bash CLI tools and Python scripting.
Have deep knowledge of at least one of Golang, Erlang, or C++. Have deep knowledge of at least one SQL or NoSQL database.
Have deep knowledge of at least one distributed message queue system.
Eager to learn any new technology and always open to jumping out of your comfort zone. Capable of understanding English documentation. Fluent in written English for technical communications in chat tools. Be able to speak English for daily life.
Preferred Skills
Any of the following would be highly preferred, but most of all, we value engineers who are eager to learn new ways to deliver value to players:
Deep understanding of Golang and Erlang.
Managed and maintained production environment on AWS or GCP. Deployed services in Kubernetes with CI/CD tools.
Experienced in schema design and performance tweaking of MongoDB and Redis. Experienced in building systems that involve eventually or strongly consistent distributed transactions.
Fluent in spoken English for professional communications.
We look forward to meeting you
thatgamecompany正在组建其在中国的后端研发团队。该团队将协助公司进⾏⻓线技术储备,包括服务器端基础设施、能够⽤于多款游戏的平台及微服务、海量数据仓库及配套数据管线等。 岗位职责
熟悉Linux⽣态系统。熟练掌握Linux或macOS的常⽤命令⾏⼯具,能够编写Python脚本。精通⾄少其中⼀⻔语⾔:Golang, Erlang或C++。
在MongoDB及Redis集群的模式设计(Schema Design)及性能调优⽅⾯有丰富的经验。有处理分布式事务或数据⼀致性问题(强⼀致、最终⼀致等)的相关经验。
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