Posición: Full Stack .NET Inglés avanzado (Remoto)
De: $80,000 a $130,000 pesos Mensuales Libres
Esquema de pago: En dólares
Esquema de pago: Mensual
Modalidad de Trabajo: 100% Remoto
Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores
Vacaciones desde los 6 meses
5 días de permisos con goce de sueldo
5 días por enfermedad con goce de sueldo
Programa de Wellness
Años de experiencia en puesto similar: 5 años
Nivel de Inglés: Intermedio - Avanzado
Exp. con Desarrollando Software: 5+ años
Exp. con Programación Orientada a Objetos: +5
Exp. Desarrollando con C# y ASP.NET 4.X: +7
Exp. con ASP.NET Core: 5+
Exp. con Entity Framework: 5+
Exp. con GIT: +4
Exp. con React JS: + 2 años
Exp. con SQL: +5
Exp. con PowerShell scripting: +2
Exp. con JSON, XML, XPATH and Schemas: +5
Desired Skills:
Exp. con Sencha: Deseable
Exp. con Hibernate: Deseable
Exp. con Arqutectura MVC: Deseable
Exp. con implementación de Webservices y APIs: Deseable
Develop, write, implement and modify software programming applications and
Support and/or install software applications and components
Work from written specifications and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions
of the job and maintain documentation of process flow
Utilize established development tools, guidelines, and conventions including, but not
limited to, Visual Studio, ASP.NET, ASP.Net Core, C#, SQL Server, JavaScript, XML,
Code and test new web applications
Enhance existing systems by analyzing business objectives, preparing an action plan,
and identifying areas for modification and improvement
Maintain existing software systems by identifying and correcting software defects
Create design, technical specifications and test plans
Create new and extend existing operational documentation
Consult closely with team leaders and product managers related to projects and tasks
Consult colleagues concerning maintenance and performance of software systems
Implement new software and technologies as required
HRS Group
yellowshark® AG
Nubika - Cloud Solutions
Stefanini Brasil