Contact No |
LinkedIn URL |
Expected Rate |
Work /Visa Status & Validity |
Current Location |
OK for Onsite / Remote ? |
Employer details |
Bachelors / University Name / Year of completion |
Masters / University Name / Year of completion |
Skill Rating |
Out of 10 |
Years of Experience |
Versions if Any |
Java Backend |
Java Front End |
Angular Exp and Version |
React |
Restful APR |
Spring Exp and Version |
MySQL/ SQL server |
Linkedin Id is must.
We are looking for Sr Full stack Developer with mix role of (40% Front end and 60% backend)
Must Have Experience on the below Frontend And Backend Skills.
Front End - Must have Experience in Angular / React Framework
Must have experience working the Latest Version of Angular.
Strong Experience in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Well versed in Visual Studio Cod
Worked on Tools NodeJs , Grunt
Strong Experience in RESTful API between Frontend and Backend
Backend - Must have Experience Spring Framework
Must have experience working the Latest Version of Spring
Strong Experience in Java 8
Well versed in Eclipse, Spring, Intellij
Worked on Tools Postman, Maven, Jetty, Sonar
Relational Database - Support MariaDB (MySQL), MS SQL Server (2014, 2017)
Tool: SQLyog for MariaDB (MySQL), MS SQL Server Management Studio for MS SQL Server
Nova Credit