Blog Effective recruiting How to successfully onboard new employees remotely

How to successfully onboard new employees remotely

Effective recruiting
Jun 9, 2022
drawing of a person shaking hands with another person on a platform

Onboarding is a fundamental step. For organizations, the stakes are crucial. For the newcomer, too. A survey conducted by Go2nextlevels and OfficeVibe in 2017 clearly demonstrated this. Companies that have an induction procedure are twice as likely to retain their employees as those that do not, and 58% of employees who have benefited from such a procedure are still with the company three years later. This means that onboarding must be successful. But the exercise is a delicate one, because the entire exercise is focused on the new employee's feelings, which are inherently difficult to grasp. And the complexity is doubled when it has to be done remotely. 

With the development of telecommuting and the multiplication of remote teams, remote onboarding of employees is a procedure whose use will increase.

Whether it is done face-to-face or remotely, onboarding must always meet the same objectives:

-Make sure the new employee feels welcome and help them become productive as quicklyas possible.

- Make sure that the new employee has the tools, knowledge and support to do the job.

- Share the company's values, culture, goals and processes.

Once this has been established, how can the newcomer be successfully integrated remotely? Our answers.

Define and clearly communicate expectations

The integration of employees with a clear picture of their tasks and their goals is the basis for successful recruitment. You need to make sure that new employees understand their tasks and the tools they will use in their work. Discuss upcoming projects and access to shared employee resources. It may also be helpful to establish a schedule of availability to attend team meetings. Finally, setting goals and key results and aligning them with key performance indicators helps new hires understand how their work relates to broader company goals and how their performance will be evaluated.

Introduce the corporate culture

Organize an integration day or distance learning session with your HR department to review the company's key values and related procedures. The new recruit should be introduced to the rest of the company from day one, via the chat system used internally. In addition, the manager should organize "one to one" video conference meetings with as many colleagues as possible during the first two weeks of the newcomer. This is a key step in its integration process!

Give the employee the right tools

Of course, computers and cell phones are not the only parameters to be taken into account. All lights must be green. That's why, for example, it is necessary to make sure that business email accounts have been configured by IT and that access to storage systems and cloud platforms is open. Finally, the manager must ensure that the new employee has a comfortable space to work efficiently from home. If this is not the case, other solutions will have to be found, such as renting a coworking space or the provision of adequate space in the employee's home.

Appoint a distant mentor

The idea here is to support the newcomer with the help of a person who is not their manager. It is this person who will support and guide them throughout their first few months with the company. This individual human connection is particularly important to avoid any feelings of isolation or lack of support that a distant worker may feel. The mentor can also facilitate introductions to others through virtual coffee sessions and more informal discussions. In addition, this can be an effective way to reinforce the culture of the company (see also the second point).

A gift always feels good

Why not send the newcomer a small present like a beautiful headset with a handwritten note from their new leader when their equipment is delivered? This welcome gift, this personal touch, is a great way to make someone feel appreciated. It's definitely a great way to boost the new employee's commitment. Today, platforms such as Workelo offer efficient solutions to personalize onboarding, a crucial step in the recruitment process, too often underestimated by companies...