Blog Career Development Corporate culture binds remote teams together

Corporate culture binds remote teams together

Career Development
Jun 9, 2022
Smiling woman on the phone working at her desk behind her computer


It is becoming an essential part of the HR department's efforts to optimize recruitment and improve loyalty. For a long time absent from their vocabulary, corporate culture is now put forward in the recruitment process. It is a key element in the identity of organizations and can be defined as the set of values, behaviors and professional practices that will allow the structure to differentiate itself from other companies. And what is true for its clients is also true for its employees. In other words, a company's values must be tuned to those of the candidate. It has to match.

Corporate culture: a key issue from the hiring process onwards

According to Mercury Urval, 49% of contract terminations in the first few months following recruitment were due to a lack of cultural fit. This is why the issue has become a concern for HR managers from the very beginning of the hiring process. And so much the better. Because, for their part, the candidates, especially those of Gen Y and Gen Z, make it an indispensable prerequisite for applying. And in order to retain them, it is now necessary to offer them a professional framework in which they can fulfil themselves, the quest for meaning being one of their main concerns.

Corporate culture: shared values

If the company is a living body, moving, breathing and evolving, then the corporate culture must irrigate all its members. The values are co-constructed to make everyone adhere to them, internal communication is the instrument that will enable them to be disseminated and managers are the relays of choice at the operational level. This is a constant task, difficult to put in place. But what happens when the team is geographically fragmented? We're not just talking about multinationals. We are also talking about the growing number of companies that have chosen to operate with teams that are mainly or entirely teleworking (distributed companies). For the latter, is the implementation of a strong corporate culture a matter of wishful thinking? Quite the contrary! Thanks to the implementation of adequate communication processes and tools, the diffusion of the corporate culture can be ensured.

Here is how:

  • Create a reference document

It can be particularly useful to create a reference document that can be consulted at any time by remote employees. It will explain the company's culture to all its members. It should be inspiring, clear about expectations, and should detail how performance is measured in relation to the corporate culture. It is therefore both a guide and an important means of promoting employee integration.

  • Making communication as easy as possible

Remote teams need dedicated channels that allow clear and immediate communication. To achieve this, they must choose the right tools. Slack for quick discussions and thematic channels and Trello for project communication are possible examples. Occasional, informal communication should also be encouraged as it is most important in building remote teams. Occasional channels (e.g. a #random channel on Slack) should therefore be opened for less work-oriented discussions. As for the management, it must plan regular one-on-one meetings with all remote employees so they will all feel their opinion is valued.

  • Building a vibrant community

Loneliness is the enemy of remote work. Even with good communication tools, employees can feel disconnected from the team. Hence the idea of creating communities (e.g. by geographical areas). But it is also undesirable that these sub-groups end up as closed-in tribes. This is why it is recommended to make these groups visible and easy to reach, and to encourage (even) informal communication among their members.

  • Unifying the teams

To unify teams, regardless of teams and distances, several methods can be used. In this context, e-learning can be the right tool that must offer teammates the opportunity to work together.

  • Encouraging all employees to express themselves

Everyone should be encouraged to make their views known. This form of shared leadership, where everyone's opinion counts, will not only help teams to progress, it will also give everyone the opportunity to shine. This will fully reinforce adherence to the company's culture.