Cell biological studies of antibody-based therapeutics
Centre for Cancer Immunology, University of Southampton
This position will be held in the Centre for Cancer Immunology at Southampton General Hospital. This is a recently constructed, dedicated research building that is the result of a significant fund-raising campaign. It builds on a 40-year history of pioneering immunology and cancer research at Southampton and represents the first dedicated cancer immunology centre in the UK. The activities in this centre span from pioneering discovery science to applied research and preclinical modelling and, crucially, onto first-in-human clinical trials and beyond. The centre houses world-class research facilities, including state-of-the-art scientific laboratories and a clinical trials unit.
The position is associated with the laboratory of Professors Sally Ward and Raimund Ober. Their interdisciplinary research program is dedicated to the use of protein engineering to develop novel antibody-based therapeutics that has led to several therapeutics that are currently approved for clinical use or in advanced stages of clinical trials. The group is also actively involved in the development of advanced microscopy techniques for the evaluation of novel therapeutics in cellular environments. Their interdisciplinary research is funded by major grants from the Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK and support from collaborating biopharma companies.
The appointee will carry out fluorescence microscopy analyses, flow cytometry and other in vitro cellular assays of engineered antibody-based therapeutics. The appointee is expected to have an outstanding track record in fluorescence microscopy and other in vitro cell-based assays. A background in purifying recombinant proteins/antibodies is also desirable but not essential. An ability to independently manage research projects is required.
The appointee will also play a supervisory role and will be responsible for advising junior technicians in the laboratory. The ability to train other members of the laboratory is a requirement of the position. The research projects involve teamwork between laboratory members carrying out molecular and cellular analyses. The appointee will therefore be expected to enjoy working as a team member who plays a central role in the research productivity of the group.
The position offers ample opportunities for professional development and career advancement, and pursuit of these by the appointee will be actively encouraged and supported. For example, the research projects for this post is closely related to the interests of biopharma, and will involve close interactions with this sector.
Scientific knowledge and proven leadership in the areas described above equivalent to Ph.D. level with at least 2-3 years of additional experience is required. The post-holder will possess relevant academic qualifications and work experience as well as good IT skills. Non-UK/non-EU citizens are also encouraged to apply.
This position is expected to be one of the key long-term positions in the Ward/Ober laboratory, with the initial time period of two years.
The position will be initially supported by Argenx.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Professor E. Sally Ward (e.s.ward@soton.ac.uk).
Applications will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon completion of PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.
Apply Online: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id=47563&forced=2
Further details:
We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and welcome applicants who support our mission of inclusivity.
Apply by 11.59 pm GMT on the closing date. For assistance contact Recruitment on +44(0)2380 592750 or recruitment@soton.ac.uk quoting the job number.
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