Virtual Sales Executives deliver marketing generated sales presentations over the computer using screen-sharing technology that contributes to the success of the organization and sales distribution site by effectively using sales techniques and processes to convert prospective owners into purchasers as well as reload Owners. Develop relationships with prospective owners by soliciting and following up on referrals and leads. Cater the sales experience to the individual needs and preferences of each potential owner and follow through with the sales contract process to ensure that all required paperwork and legally required documents are completed accurately and in a timely manner efficiently. Maintain the customer relationship after the sale is complete to ensure continued owner satisfaction with the organization and to develop future business opportunities (i.e., reloads, referrals, additional sales).
Education and Experience Required:
Building and Maintaining Customer Base
Marriott Vacations Worldwide is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture.
Alia Services
Virtual Coworker
Project Growth
TecnoSpeed TI