About Health Information Alliance, Inc.
Office in Pennsylvania Health Information Alliance, “HIA” has serviced its acute care clients in optimizing reimbursement providing and continues to provide Remote Core Measure Abstraction Services including severe sepsis, (since the inception of Core Measures), Registry Services, (General Surgery - for example ACS/NSQIP, Thoracic Surgery - for example STS, and Cancer), Meaningful Use Attestations (VTE & STK) and Consulting for Core Measure, Meaningful Use and Value Based Purchasing outcomes. HIA also offers Coding Services to include IP, OP, ED, Pro-Fee, & Wound Care as well as Coding Quality Audits. HIA is composed of more than 70 credentialed professionals now offering these professional performance improvement services throughout the country.
In the CMS OPPS final rule published in December 2013, CMS is adding three new mandatory measures to the Outpatient module – OP 29 Endoscopy/Polyp Surveillance: Appropriate Follow-up Interval for Normal Colonoscopy in Average Risk Patients, OP 30 – Endoscopy/Polyp Surveillance: Colonoscopy Interval for Patients with a History of Adenomatous Polyps – Avoidance of Inappropriate Use, and OP-31 Cataracts: Improvement in Patient’s Visional Function within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery.
The data collection will begin with April 1, 2014 encounters.
Health Information Alliance will provide a report with aggregated counts for numerator, denominator, and exclusion data, which hospitals can then submit directly through the QualityNet website.
Is your organization ready? Learn more at www.HIA-Corp.com or call 800-405-8800.
HIA is also actively a member and/or speaks for AHIMA, PHIMA, NJHIMA, SePHIMA, NAHQ, and HIMSS.