A Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (korábban IT Services Hungary, ITSH) Magyarország legnagyobb IKT-munkaadója, a Deutsche Telekom Csoport tagja. A 2006-ban alakult, több mint 5000 fős cég az informatikai és telekommunikációs szolgáltatások széles körét nyújtja. A vállalat 2019-ben elnyerte a Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség (HIPA) legjobb oktatási együttműködésért járó díját, a PwC Magyarország független felmérése alapján a legvonzóbb magyarországi munkahelyek közé tartozik, és a legetikusabb multinacionális vállalat címét is megkapta. A cég folyamatosan fejleszti négy – budapesti, debreceni, pécsi és szegedi – telephelyét, és várja képzett informatikai szakemberek jelentkezését a csapatába.
For an international team, we are looking for a Governance/Compliance Specialist with a technical knowledge who will support the process of a security assessment and governance of Telekom projects involving M2M Platform, Data Warehouse Systems, Database Systems, Platforms & Systems for IPTV, Voice Services and Mobile Network security environment. The Specialist will be responsible for technical security support for international projects within Telekom group.
We are looking for someone who feels confident with technologies, with a general understanding of governance and policies related to security best practices. To support teams by ensuring compliance with security requirements, experience with project assessment and governance is needed. Definition and review of security best practices will be performed regularly. We are looking for someone who will not hesitate to engage in researching how to connect new technology and adapt best practice for our benefit. Getting things done and solving problems with the team are essential to the team culture.
(There is no need to match all requirements above)
Two or more areas of technical knowledge:
What our team offers to you:
* Please be informed that our remote working possibility is only available within Hungary due to European taxation regulation.
* Please be informed that our remote working possibility is only available within Hungary due to European taxation regulation.
Minor International
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions HU