Webtellect operates with the zeal of a start-up, to provide expert software design and development services to a suite of clients. We are not the firm where folks can put the feet up, enjoy a paycheck, and mill around the water cooler. We are the firm that is passionate about technology, and utilizing such in the pursuit of solving business and real-world challenges. Work hard, play harder. Our clients have defined budgets and we are held to higher expectations. We have various vertical markets we attack offering relevant solutions, and therefore we do not live and breathe in only a "single technology" or "one-technology-fits-all mindset." Each project potentially offers something new. We have a driving passion for software excellence. Feathers in our cap includes the development of interactive exhibits for the Visitor Center of the world’s largest philanthropic organization, custom enterprise platform development for the largest drilling company in the U.S. Oil and Gas industry, Medical Record solutions, and giving back to our community through various programs.
Our client is one of the leading streaming entertainment providers in the world. They have many well known original programming and have a huge subscriber base. They are looking for folks to expand their enterprise and take the company to a whole new level. They are looking for strong front end developers that have focused on the React.js or Angular frameworks for at least 12 months.
Talpro - Leaders in Technology Hiring
HR factory GmbH
DOT Digital Group