Remote Turing Jobs










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Discover more about Turing ?

We now live in a remote-first world and every company is in a race to find the best remote engineers. There are so many amazing engineers all over the world. Turing’s mission is to help unleash the world’s untapped human potential. More than 300 companies, including those backed by Google Ventures, Bloomberg, Andreessen, Founders Fund, and Kleiner are already using Turing to spin up their engineering dream teams. Turing’s hiring platform combines the planetary reach and AI to deliver your ideal engineers in order to help you spin up your engineering dream team. Our deep matching intelligence finds the best Turing developers across 100+ skills like React, Node, Python, Golang, Angular, Swift, Java, and many more. As part of our rigorous vetting process, we also review software engineers’ technical abilities, English skills, and remote working capabilities. Turing ensures time zone overlap, transparency, and reliable communication in order to make remote development easy for you after the match.The Turing team has deep expertise in AI and building engineering dream teams in the U.S. at top companies. Turing company is backed by well-known investors like Facebook’s initial CTO (Adam D’Angelo), executives from Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Founders Fund (investors in Facebook, Tesla, Asana, etc). is led by serial A.I. entrepreneurs Jonathan Siddharth and Vijay Krishnan, their last A.I. firm leveraged remote talent and had a successful acquisition.
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