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Discover more about LingoAce ?

LingoAce is a global edtech company on a mission to make learning for kids more engaging, effective, and assessable through technology. Through our award-winning online learning platform, learners can connect to passionate and professionally accredited teachers to learn Mandarin Chinese, English, math and music. Today, we have a roster of more than 4,000 professionally certified teachers and have taught more than 10 million classes to PreK-12 students in more than 100 countries. Founded in 2017, the company is headquartered in Singapore and has global operations through the United States, Southeast Asia, Europe, and China. We are backed by the world’s top investors including Peak XV (formerly Sequoia India & Southeast Asia), Owl Ventures, Tiger Global, and Shunwei Capital. In 2023, LingoAce was named to Fast Company’s World’s Most Innovative Companies list and to the GSV EdTech 150 list of the world’s most transformative edtech companies for the second year in the row.
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