Oversees and coordinates the vulnerability management process. Performs vulnerability scans on all systems that connect to the Credit Union’s network. Works closely with the necessary business, system, and IT owners responsible for protecting the assets of the Credit Union to resolve vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Provides real-time reports on the status of patching of all systems connected to the Credit Union’s network. Escalates unresolved vulnerabilities to the appropriate level of management based on risk and responsiveness. Helps identify false positives and remove them from regular scans. Sets up authenticated scanning wherever possible on systems. Evaluates requested exceptions based on risk and makes recommendations for appropriate exclusion from scanning. Oversees the review of exceptions on a periodic basis.
Required Knowledge:
Experience Required:
Aristocrat IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Aristocrat IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Aristocrat IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Aristocrat IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.