We offer consumers exclusive limited-time money-saving offers on everyday and luxury items. We are looking for a motivated, decisive and well-versed person who loves the thrill of couponing and saving money. Our industry is extremely fast paced as deals can disappear in an instant.
Data Entry Assistant (remote position).
Research, review and proofread deals for posting on our website.
Mark the best deals of the day for the newsletter. Prepare and publish the newsletter.
Send push notifications to our members about limited time offers.
Work with customers on their offers and publish them on our website.
Publish engaging posts on our website for our members.
Qualifications and Skills:
College degree preferred.
Social media experience.
Must be able to write 40 words per minute with minimal errors and high punctuation
Team player
Problem solver
Must be able to work some, weekends and major retail shopping holidays
Understand coupons and stacking savings
We can teach you the rest!
The online editor will work alongside the owner Carolyn and administrative assistant.
Salary: negotiable
Workoo Technologies
Minato Consulting
TELUS International
Tensoten Services