Human Power BG is an HR agency that offers consultations and recruitment for some of the best companies in Bulgaria.
Our partner is an international software PRODUCT company with online medical trainings platform.
What you need to be good at:
• Problem solving - every decision made has to be based on a root cause analysis;
• Holistic thinking - the server side components serve the Web, Android and iOS platforms,
they need to be designed with all these in mind;
• Test Driven Development - designing the solutions based on test cases (towards a known
end state) and not trial and error;
• Clear Communication - the decisions made have to be explained clearly and as much as
possible documended with supporting artifacts like diagrams, etc.
• Object Oriented and Functional Programming - both are instrumental and you need to have
a very good grasp of them to be able to contribute;
• Defensive Programming - validation, sanitization and concepts like ACL, black-listing and
white listing should be present with every decision made and code produced
• Modern PHP (not specific framework) and ReactJS - you need to be able to setup and code
“fluently” in both
You have to have:
• Excellent ability to analyze problems and present suggestions
• Minimum of 5 years of programming experience
• Identify as a senior developer in your own self-assessment
• Thrive in a collaborative environment
• Have fun while coding :-)
If this position is of interest to you and you meet the requirements, please send your updated CV.
For any questions you may have, please contact us:
0878 344 034
Thank you!
We will contact only approved candidates!
Our services are free of charge to all applicants.
All candidates will be treated in strict confidence.
All data provided by you is protected by the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Law and will be used only for the purposes of this selection.
Human Power has an indefinite license № 3084 issued by the National Employment Agency to provide services in the field of human resources.
Human Power is part of BNI Industry.
Jenni AI
Stack And Co Software Recruiters
Optimum Data Analytics