LetHub is a next-generation AI-powered web platform for landlords and property managers that makes it easy to find high-quality renters without hiring more staff.
Finding a place to rent is a painful and time-consuming task for professionals with a busy schedule. On the other hand, it’s very costly for property managers and landlords to have systems in place to improve the experience and make the process super easy. LetHub solves this two-sided problem by taking care of the whole process from responding to inquiries to getting prospects to show up for property tours without hiring leasing agents.
Check us out at https://www.lethub.co/
Perks We Offer:
General Responsibilities:
This position will apply its skills to help improve the foundation of a ground-breaking, innovative company that will be at the forefront of the property management software industry. We have a vision that keeps full-stack development at its present and AI development in its future.
The successful candidate will assist in the development and improvement of the core product including:
Requirements and Skills:
Nice to have:
FiveForce Technologies
The DigiTrust Group