SNV is a mission-driven global development partner working across Africa and Asia. Our mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyse partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems, which enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all.
SNV established its presence in Lao PDR in 1993. It operates under an agreed framework with the government of Lao PDR. We are well positioned within the '9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan' and the 'National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy'. Our advisory work focuses on agri-food, energy, and water sectors. Three cross-sectoral core themes on gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), climate adaptation and mitigation, and strong institutions and effective governance underpin our interventions in all three sectors. Our work is implemented across the country's north, south, and central provinces.
SNV Laos is implementing a clean cooking promotion project, one of which is promoting electric cooking (eCooking). The project has considered Result-Based Financing (RBF) as an incentive mechanism to accelerate the dissemination of eCooking. Interested promotors are invited to submit their letter of intent to participate in RBF.
Evaluation will be made based on the information provided by promotors. The contract will be signed with selected promotors to implement the RBF.
Promoters need to specify the area in which they want to work. They can apply for three provinces or choose a smaller region only depending on their preference.
The total number of target households under this scheme is 2,000 HHs. The number of Households per village will be between 150 and 500 HHs.
Eligible Technologies:
The following eCooking technologies qualify for RBF
Interested promoters to participate in RBF can collect the detailed TOR from the SNV office in Laos or request via email. The applicant shall submit the letter of intent (LoI) highlighting their understanding of the assignment and rates. Include any previous works that demonstrate your experiences and achievements.
Interested promoters to participate in RBF can collect the detailed TOR from the SNV office in Laos or request via email. The applicant shall submit the letter of intent (LoI) highlighting their understanding of the assignment and rates. Include any previous works that demonstrate your experiences and achievements.
Baburam Paudel
Energy Sector leader,
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Ban Saphantong-Tai, Sisattanak District, P.O. Box 9781, Vientiane, Laos
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +856 20 52533858
Aquaconx Solutions
Up Estágio
Winterfell and Company
NextLink Group