Founded in 2016, GREY is a men’s lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates individuality by shining light on people who have broken free of society’s constraints. We educate you with the latest fashion, career advice, and city hotspots to spruce up your life and cast labels aside. It’s time to redefine yourself.
If you are intrigued by remarkable stories from ordinary people, if you are constantly curious and challenge the conventional wisdom, if you are a thinker as well as a doer, we want you to join GREY. Our sole mission is to bring people together by celebrating unexpected wins from nonconformists around the world.
Research and Fact Checker
Requirements include:
- Bachelor’s Degree from a four-level college/university
- Flawless attention to detail and grammar knowledge
- Familiar with web CMS such as WordPress for formatting and editing
- Curious minds and relentless work ethic
- Fluent on social media marketing and content creation (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
- Familiar with online research beyond
Responsibilities include:
- Work with editors and directors to come up with topics to cover
- Conduct and verify interviews and inquiries on subjects
- Conduct research on assign topics and create powerpoint deck and fact sheets for writers
Work Environment & Compensation
- Paid available based on experienced and output
- Remote work arrangement with a flexible schedule
- Independent execution, team collaboration for brainstorming
- Author credits and author page available