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Population Services International
Legal Counsel, Singapore
Request for Proposals
To Provide: Legal Services
Issue Date: August 14th, 2024
Last Date for Receipt of Clarification Questions by PSI: August 21st, 2024 11:59 PM PST
Last Date for Responses by PSI: August 28th2024 11:59 PM PST
RFP Closing Date and Place: September 4th, 2024 11:59 PM PST
Please direct all proposals/inquiries regarding to this RFP to:
Ms. Arzo Kaderi
Population Services International
1120 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
PSI is a non-profit organization working to improve the health of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries. PSI has an annual budget of $500+ million, offices in 60+ countries, and 8,000+ employees. Country offices are supported by 200+ staff providing services in
programmatic and administrative areas. Collectively this group is referred to as “Global
Services”, though most staff are based in Washington, D.C. Global Services is divided into four “cones” which encompass over 20 departments. For further information on PSI’s size, scope, structure, and strategy refer to www.psi.org.
Scope of Work
* The Scope of Work provided below is a summarized version of the full scope. The full scope will be shared with the selected vendor or with applicants at a stage following the receipt of the signed NDA.
** Final deliverables will be discussed and finalized between PSI and the candidate.
PSI is seeking legal counsel with experience in the following:
The selected vendor will be expected to:
Deliverables for this scope of work include but are not limited to:
All documents submitted in response to this RFP, as well as all correspondence in connection
with the RFP, shall be in the English language.
Inquiries concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing, to be received by the date shown on the Cover Page. Such inquiries shall be sent by email, directed to
Attention: Arzo Kaderi
Email: akaderi@psi.org
PSI is under no obligation to consider or respond to questions that are not received by that date.
Bid Preparation
Bidders should submit their responses to this RFP to include:
A. Technical Proposal
B. Financial Proposal
A. Technical Proposal
Your proposal should provide basic information about your Company and relevant service
offerings. It should have a section addressing each of the following areas:
(a) Company Profile
(b) Approach
(c) References
Responses should include the following information:
a. Company Profile
• Describe the Company on an overall basis, both nationally and internationally (if
• Summarize the Company’s qualifications and experience of the activities described in the
scope of work
• Provide a detailed track record of previous similar work undertaken
b. Approach
• Provide a description of the Company’s approach to the requested services
• Describe the Company’s experience dealing with legal landscape in Singapore
• Describe the Company’s capability to register a foundation for not-for-profit activities on
behalf of foreign entity
• Describe the key personnel to be utilized on the engagement; indicate their degree of
expertise and prior experience, which would be appropriate for the engagement;
c. References:
1. Submit a minimum of two (2) client references for similar work in Singapore
2. Provide any other information to demonstrate the Company’s capability in relation to the
Scope of Work
B Financial Proposal
Bidders pricing should be based on the following:
For Services performed during the Term, Consultant will be paid in accordance with the rates set forth in Annex 2 hereto [Annex 2 should list Consultant’s employees and their daily or hourly rates (and overhead or indirect rates, as appropriate)];
Bid Submission
All proposals must be in writing, in the English language, and manually signed and dated by an authorized employee of the Bidder. They may be emailed as shown on the RFQ cover page.
Proposals may not be altered, corrected or withdrawn after the Date of Receipt, except that PSI, at its sole discretion, may permit correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical or minor mistakes, in cases in which PSI deems that both the mistake and the intended proposal can be established conclusively on the face of the proposal. Other than the mistakes listed in the previous sentence, no mistakes alleged by a Bidder after the Date of Receipt will be permitted to be corrected.
Proposals must be valid for at least ninety (90) days from the Date of Receipt. #li-remote #li-lm1
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