As great enthusiasts and active contributors to the open-source blockchain communities Protofire help builders and providers of decentralized infrastructure, protocols and applications, to bootstrap the demand and supply sides of their markets, and accelerate mass adoption.
We help startups with protocol & smart contract engineering, high-performance trusted data feeds (oracles), and awesome developer tools (SDKs/APIs).
Since we started in 2016 we’ve had a chance to contribute to the development of many top projects in the blockchain ecosystem, including Maker, Chainlink, Tezos, Gnosis, The Graph, Filecoin, Synthetix, Avalanche and more. Apart from that we are running one of the biggest indexer nodes in the Graph Network, participating as bridge relayers and validators helping projects and networks to further decentralise their infrastructure.
Digital Disruptions
FoodMe Global / Dine Palace
Value Finance - Dyrektor Finansowy na godziny