(An English version follows Japanese)
Digital & IT (DIT) 部門は、日本本社に加えEMEA、北米、中国、アジアの5地域に展開し、SantenのDigitalおよびITをサポートするグローバル組織です。
DIT Management Officeでは、国内外Santenグループを横断したコスト、ITプロジェクトポートフォリオ、資産・ソリューションの管理など、ITガバナンスの構築・運用・改善を行います。
Santen is a specialized life sciences company with a proud 130-year heritage focused exclusively on ophthalmology. As a Japan-originated, global company with our footprint in over 60 countries, we are dedicated to delivering innovative treatments and digital solutions for eye health and addressing vision-related social issues for people around the world.
Digital & IT (DIT) is a global organization supporting Santen’s digital and IT needs, with operations in Japan, EMEA, North America, China, and Asia.
DIT Management Office implements, operates and improves Digital & IT governance, including management of cost, project portfolio, assets and solutions across global Santen group.
国内外の参天グループを横断してDigital & ITに関する予算管理、プロジェクトポートフォリオ管理、資産管理などのITガバナンスを運営・強化し、参天製薬のビジョン達成に貢献します。
1. Digital & IT 予算管理
• プロジェクトおよび運用の予算策定と予実管理
• 予算最適化戦略・施策の立案・実行
• 予算分析・レポート作成
2. Digital & IT プロジェクトポートフォリオ管理
• プロジェクトのポートフォリオ管理
• プロジェクト進捗のモニタリング・報告
• リスク管理・資源配分最適化
3. Digital & IT 資産・ソリューション等の情報の一元管理
• ITガバナンス、情報セキュリティ、IT予算の最適化などの改善に向けた戦略的計画を支える、Digital & IT資産・ソリューションの包括的可視化と改善
• Digital & IT戦略および可視化した情報に基づくアーキテクチャおよび技術ロードマップの立案・管理
◾️Job Summary
We help achieve Santen’s vision by managing Digital & IT governance, including budget management, project portfolio, and assets, across global Santen group.
1. Digital & IT Budget Management
- Budget planning and management for projects and operations
- Planning and executing budget optimization strategy and measures
- Budget analysis and reporting
2. Digital & IT Project Portfolio Management
- Managing project portfolios
- Monitoring and reporting project progress
- Risk management and resource optimization
3. Centralized Information Management of Digital & IT Assets and Solutions
- Comprehensive visualization of Digital & IT assets and solutions to aid strategic planning for improving IT governance, information security, IT budget optimization, etc.
- Developing and managing the architecture and technology roadmap based on the Digital & IT strategy and information visualized above
• 5年以上のITガバナンスの経験(予算管理、プロジェクトポートフォリオ管理、資産管理、またはEnterprise Architecture構築など)
• プロジェクト管理の知識および実践経験
• 財務分析および予算管理のスキル
• 分析能力と問題解決能力
• 日本語(ネイティブ)、英語(ビジネスレベル)でのコミュニケーション能力
• プロジェクトマネジメントの資格(PMP、PMI-ACPなど)
• Digital・IT資産管理、エンタープライズアーキテクチャに関する経験・資格(TOGAFなど)
• ITIL、COBITなどのITガバナンスフレームワークの知識
• データを活用してガバナンスや管理を継続的に高度化した実績
• 誠実に行動し、垣根を越えたコミュニケーションができる方
• 他者と共に成果を出すことを重視し、協調性がある方
• 解決志向が高く、不確定要素やプレッシャーに負けず、複数のタスクを優先順位をつけて進められる方
• 論理的思考力が高く、自律的で責任感があり、変革を推進できる方
• 高い向上心と学習能力があり、順応性が高い方
Required qualifications:
- Over 5 years of experience in IT governance (e.g., management of Digital & IT cost, portfolio, asset, and solutions, or enterprise architecture development)
- Knowledge and practical experience in project management
- Skills in financial analysis and budget management
- Analytical and problem-solving abilities
- Language proficiency: Native Japanese and business-level English
Preferred qualifications:
- Project management certifications (e.g., PMP, PMI-ACP)
- Experience and certifications in digital/IT asset management and enterprise architecture (e.g., TOGAF)
- Knowledge of IT governance frameworks such as ITIL and COBIT
- Proven track record in leveraging data to continuously enhance governance and management
Desired Candidate Profile:
- Acts with integrity and communicates effectively across boundaries
- Values collaboration and works well with others to achieve results
- Solution-oriented, able to prioritize and handle multiple tasks under uncertainty and pressure
- Highly logical thinker, self-motivated, responsible, and capable of driving change
- Eager to learn, adaptable, and possesses a strong drive for improvement
Santenグループは、Equal Opportunity Employerです。 私たちは、多様なチームを構築し、チームメンバー一人ひとりにとって安全でインクルーシブな物理的・仮想的職場を提供することを約束します。すべての雇用は、人種、肌の色、民族、出身/祖先、宗教、性的指向、性別、性同一性/表現、年齢、障害、病状、配偶者の有無、退役軍人の有無、または法律で保護されているその他の特性に関係なく、ビジネスニーズ、役割要件、個人のスキルセットに基づいて行われます。
Grow your career at Santen
A career at Santen is an opportunity to make a difference. Through our long-term vision outlined in Santen 2030, we are committed to be a Social Innovator - addressing the social and economic needs of people with visual impairments. We have team members around the world using their diverse talents to unlock new modalities and drive innovations for patient outcomes, education and treatment. At Santen, we believe in empowering all our team members with flexible ways of working and a highly inclusive work environment.
The Santen Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to building diverse teams and ensuring a safe and inclusive physical and virtual workplace for every one of our team members. All employment decisions are based on business needs, role requirements and individual qualifications regardless of race, color, ethnicity, national origin/ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/ expression, age, disability, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
If you require any kind of accommodation during our recruitment process, please let the recruiter from our team know.
Clipper Magazine