Offer summary
Key responsabilities:
- Responsible for product planning and execution throughout life cycle.
- Collaborate with other departments for revenue and customer satisfaction goals.
Find the product job of your dreams.
As the product department of the business, you are responsible for the product planning and execution throughout the product life cycle. You work closely with other departments such as engineering, sales, marketing, and support, to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals will be achieved. Whether it’s about designing, defining the product vision, gathering and prioritising product & customer requirements. You are the one no scaleup can live without! No wonder, there are so many product job openings.
Finding the right job for you is what matters to us.
That's why we ask you to create a profile in our ecosystem, so you can stay up-to-date, and we can connect you to your perfect job before it goes to market.
When we lay hands on a job that fits your profile, we'll immediately contact you.
If you're interested, we'll set up a meeting with the decision maker, and provide them with our personal recommendation. With our introduction, you will get a seat at the table.
Kooth plc
Infopro digital
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)