What does an Executive Assistant do ?

  • Develop and maintain long-term realationships with customer accounts
  • Manage projects within the clients' account to ensure clients' goals are met
  • Collaborate with sales and marketing team to identifty new opportunities to grow business
  • Identify new up-selling and corss-selling opportunities within existing accounts
  • Act as liaison between customer and business, communicating clients needs and resolving issues
Other Degrees 6%
High School 7%
Associate 20%
Bachelor 61%
Master 6%
Expected salary by experience
This chart displays the highest level of education for:

Executive Assistant, the majority at 61% with bachelors

Typical Field of Study: General Merchanding, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations

Most demanded skills for Executive Assistant positions

Learn about the technical skills most in demand for this position.

Salary:€ 27,917
Salary:€ 23,409
Salary:€ 17,965
Salary:€ 26,836
Salary:€ 28,028
Salary:€ 34,682
Salary:€ 21,153

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About Executive Assistant

Can Executive Assistant work from home?

Executive assistants can work from home thanks to technological advancements and the growing acceptance of remote work, providing them with flexibility and convenience. It is essential to maintain effective communication with the team and the executive they support to ensure smooth and productive collaboration.

What other positions are similar to an Executive Assistant?

Administrative Assistant: Provides general administrative support, such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, and managing correspondence.

Personal Assistant: Assists an individual, often a high-level executive or celebrity, with personal tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing household affairs, and coordinating travel.

Office Manager: Oversees the day-to-day operations of an office, including supervising administrative staff, managing budgets, and ensuring office efficiency.

Project Coordinator: Coordinates and manages projects within an organization, including scheduling meetings, tracking project progress, and communicating with stakeholders.

What is the highest pay for an Executive Assistant?

The highest pay for an Executive Assistant can vary depending on factors such as industry, experience, and job responsibilities. In well-compensated industries or companies, experienced assistants with advanced skills may earn high salaries, possibly six figures or more. It's essential to negotiate compensation based on experience and the value provided.

What is the lowest pay for an Executive Assistant?

Generally, entry-level Executive Assistants may earn salaries at the lower end of the pay scale, which can range from minimum wage to slightly more depending on the region and organization.

What is the minimum degree to become Executive Assistant?

While some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in fields like business administration or communications, many Executive Assistants start with a high school diploma or equivalent. However, educational requirements may vary depending on the employer and the complexity of the job duties

What skills and qualities make a successful Executive Assistant?

Organizational Skills: Ability to efficiently manage schedules, prioritize tasks, and coordinate multiple projects simultaneously.

Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential for effectively interacting with executives, colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders.

Attention to Detail: Being meticulous and thorough in tasks such as proofreading documents, managing calendars, and arranging travel plans.

Adaptability: Flexibility to handle unexpected changes, shifting priorities, and tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment.