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StackAdapt is a self-serve advertising platform that specializes in multi-channel solutions including native, display, video, connected TV, audio, in-game, and DOOH ads. StackAdapt's state-of-the-art platform is where some of the most progressive work in machine learning meets cutting-edge user experience. StackAdapt is designed around the three core pillars of programmatic—planning, executing and analyzing. StackAdapt is ranked as the number 1 DSP on G2. For six consecutive years with over hundreds of reviews, StackAdapt has been recognized as a high performer and the highest-ranking DSP in customer satisfaction by G2. StackAdapt was also recognized as an Enterprise Fast 15 winner as part of the Technology Fast 50™ program in 2022 and is one of Ad Age’s Best Places to Work in 2023. Learn more about StackAdapt here: And if you're looking for a change, we'd love to have you on our team—check out our open roles by visiting: StackAdapt is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. We have teams and support across North America, EMEA, APAC, and LATAM.
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