Remote Moderna Jobs










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Regional Account Manager (Indianapolis, IN)
Moderna  company logo
Regional Account Manager (Indianapolis, IN)

Regional Account Manager (Indianapolis, ...79% Flex

18 days ago


79% Flex
Full remote
  • Remote:
    United States
Full remote

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Discover more about Moderna ?

At Moderna, we believe messenger RNA, or mRNA, is the “software of life.” Every cell in the body uses mRNA to provide real-time instructions to make the proteins necessary to drive all aspects of biology, including in human health and disease. Given its essential role, we believe mRNA could be used to create a new category of medicines with significant potential to improve the lives of patients. We are pioneering a new class of medicines made of messenger RNA, or mRNA. The potential implications of using mRNA as a drug are significant and far-reaching and could meaningfully improve how medicines are discovered, developed and manufactured. To learn more, visit This Moderna page is not the appropriate place to report adverse events (side-effects) for any products. If you are or someone you know is experiencing a side effect, please reach out to your healthcare professional. Moderna is continuously monitoring the safety of its products. We encourage you to report any side effects directly to us at 1‑866‑MODERNA (1‑866‑663‑3762).
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