Flitto is a Translation and Language Data company based in South Korea.
We are currently looking for speakers of minority languages to complete a simple mobile recording task by making 10 short recordings on a mobile device.
If you are interested, please submit the Google Form so that we can contact you via your email: https://forms.gle/PeKmBDJcb17kMvEC9
Task Details:
- Making 10 recordings on a mobile device (Minimum of 4 seconds per recording)
- Providing the corresponding text for each recorded utterance
*Sentences will not be provided; instead, we will provide keywords related to specific situations.
You will record natural utterances that you use in daily life.
Rate & Payment:
- $20 USD for 10 recordings
- Payment will be made via PayPal in USD.
Languages List:
(The following languages and regions are eligible for this task.)
We sincerely look forward to reviewing your application.
Thank you very much for your kind attention!
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Aquaconx Solutions
Aquaconx Solutions