SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization, established in the Netherlands in 1965 but rooted in the contexts and societies in the more than 25 countries where we work. And that mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyze partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems to enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all. We position ourselves as a learning organization striving for excellence and invest in making knowledge flow to and from the frontline.
SNV was appointed by Sida as the Fund Manager to manage the Innovations Against Poverty (IAP) Challenge Fund from July 2024 until March 2027. IAP challenges the private sector in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Zambia to develop innovative products, services and business models that can contribute to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. These innovations should lead to commercial benefits for the private sector and developmental benefits for people living in poverty (PLIP), in terms of job creation, access to basic goods and services, and income increase or cost savings, while protecting the environment.
IAP offers co-funding support and business advisory services to carefully selected companies through a Challenge Fund to implement innovative and inclusive business models. IAP 3.0 will build on the success of two previous funding rounds, shift to a thematic rather than sector focus, and increase its focus on investment support needs, learning and communications, and engagement with local, regional, and global entrepreneurial investment ecosystems.
The Investment Ecosystem Study will play a crucial role in the early stages of the Innovations Against Poverty program by mapping the key players and support mechanisms within the investment landscapes of Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Zambia. This study will equip the IAP team with essential insights and preliminary connections, enabling them to effectively engage with relevant stakeholders and strategically position the program for success in fostering innovative, inclusive businesses that drive sustainable development.
The intended start date of the assignment is 1 October 2024, while the intended end date is 1 December 2024.
The Consultant must have ample experience in conducting remote surveys for social impact measurement:
Interested applicants can request a further requirements for the proposal by writing to [email protected]. Final proposal materials in English will be due by 19 September 2024. The application can be submitted via the SmartRecruiters “I’m Interested” link.
Solution SFT
Hunter Crown
Moniepoint Group
Traveling with Tasha