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JobgetherHrtech: Human Resources + Technology

Founded in 2020https://jobgether.com/

84 %


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Flex policy

Full Remote
Fully Flexible
Extra Holidays

Jobgether is a full remote company, where employees can work anywhere in the world. For some positions, an European or US timezone can be required. Coworking space is available for all employees and offsites are being organised 3 times per year.

Where? Geo flexibility

Remote policy

Positions available in full remote


At Jobgether, you can work wherever you want. You can be travelling around the world while working. You can as well work from home or from a coworking space. Every 4 months, we schedule a trip (by region) to meet face to face for a week in a nice place where we can work and also enjoy time together. The concept is called "Open house" where you can take your family if you want to

Work environment

Work from home : You can obviously work from home, that's were most of us stay, as we don't want to waste our time on commuting !

Work from anywhere : You can obviously travel while working, a lot of us are travelling 6 months per year, and working at the same time.

Coworking available : If you wish to work from a coworking space, Jobgether will pay for it

When?Time flexibility

Working time

Working hours

Fully Flexible Working Hours : You just have to manage your agenda, it's up to you to choose your working hours. As soon as the work is done, you're completely free to organise yourself the way you want.

Working days

Fully Flexible Working Days : If you prefer working on Sunday instead of Monday, you can.

Holiday Policy

Extra Holidays

You can take holidays as much as you need. We believe holidays are good for your creativity. The only constraint regarding holidays is : No constraints :-)

How? Contractual flexibility

Full time : You need stability and security, we obviously offer full time.

Part-time contract : You need time for yourself, or time to do other activities. Here, we offer you the possibility to work part time.

Short term freelancing : You want several clients, with several missions. We are ready to hire you for specific short term missions.

Long term freelancing : Depending of the position, it is completely possible to be a long term freelancer.

Slashing : One person/multiple careers? You are welcome to have multiple sources of income and have several jobs to build your perfect life!

Still not convinced? Check out the perks and the flex tools offered by Jobgether

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Google suite
All perks
Digital Coaching
Seasonal social events
Mobility Allowance


At Jobgether

Our workers are global self-starters and come from all walks of life. Between all of them, we speak all these different languages:


Please note that not all languages shown above are mandatory. Please check the job offer for more details.