This chart shows the relationship between employees' levels of experience and their corresponding salaries. It can help us understand how experience translates into salary growth opportunities within the organization, which can inform our talent development and compensation strategies.
Waters Corporation
Bullfinch Human Resources
Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Product Manager (Tech) is $178k / year
Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Product Manager (Tech) is $123k / year
Specializing in a sector is a great way to boost your salary. Some beneficial options include becoming a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) or a Certified Product Manager (CPM), as companies value extensive knowledge in specific areas.
Developing technical skills in programming languages, data analysis, or other relevant technologies enhances your professional profile and makes you more attractive to employers.
Staying updated with the latest trends and gaining experience in high-demand technologies are essential. This demonstrates your relevance and can lead to higher salaries and more job opportunities
Maintaining a diverse portfolio is always advantageous. It allows you to showcase your industry knowledge and skills gained from participating in various projects with different roles.
Networking with leaders in the field of technological product management is crucial for career advancement. Opportunities arise through attending conferences, workshops, and industry seminars.