Blog Best Employers Job dissatisfaction is a risk for companies

Job dissatisfaction is a risk for companies

Best Employers
Jun 9, 2022
Young woman holding her head in front of the laptop

Job dissatisfaction represents a risk for companies. A study by Staples, published in 2018, revealed that more than 80% of workers are not happy in their jobs. Hence, companies now seek to improve the environment and working conditions to boost the growth of their people.

The Staples survey also highlights that 90% of workers want to feel fulfilled in the company in which they work. Professionals who don’t feel they have a space for development eventually lose motivation and, in many cases, leave.

Poor practices and management also affect workers’ motivation. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the processes must be among the managers’ priorities to avoid job dissatisfaction.

A good environment prevents job dissatisfaction

The absence of adequate conditions is one of the causes of the rising in the rate of dissatisfied employees. To revert this tendency, companies are focusing on: developing an optimal work system and designing comfortable and attractive facilities.

Although the salary is an important hook to keep the best talent, companies are forced to provide the best conditions so that their workers do not want to look for a new job.

Great technology firms have been pioneers in the creation of systems and spaces adapted to their people. And this trend has expanded.

To prevent workers from becoming frustrated and getting in the list of dissatisfied employees, we must pay attention to these keys:

- Create a friendly workspace

New buildings stand out for having environments with light and natural air, comfortable rooms for work meetings, furniture, technology, adequate tools, and spaces for enjoyment.

- Inspire workers

Motivated employees stand out for the service they provide to customers. Recognition always helps.

- Communicate the purpose and principles of the company

With this, workers will relate to the company.

- Don’t spare efforts to train professionals

The training will bring benefits to the company and strengthen the sense of belonging.

- Be open to the creativity of employees to make them participants in the search for new solutions.

- The leaders’ leadership inspires their collaborators.

We must take care of workers

Job dissatisfaction is mainly due to emotional factors. Besides financial compensation, an employee who does not receive recognition at the right time may become frustrated.

It is proven that it is more profitable for a company to keep their workers happy than to search for candidates periodically to fill vacancies.

A worker will hardly know when their work is sufficient for the company and when their superior likes it if they are not informed on time. Recognition and feedback will keep the employee’s motivation. Otherwise, the collaborators’ performance will lower eventually.

Trust will also help strengthen work ties and open doors for professionals to be more creative. It will also influence in making important decisions.

Companies that are rigid on schedules and not very flexible are also generators of job dissatisfaction. People want greater freedom to attend personal and family matters without neglecting the objectives that must be met in their jobs. Incentives such as holidays, permits, and the possibility of doing work remotely could increase the productivity of people.

Continuous learning through training courses will develop workers’ skills, something that will bring benefits to the company and improve people's self-esteem.

Having dissatisfied employees is a danger for companies seeking success. They should be the place where employees manage to exploit their full potential according to the company's objectives.