Blog Labour Market News 5 Trends that will define labor market in 2019

5 Trends that will define labor market in 2019

Labour Market News
Jun 9, 2022
View from above of people gathered around a table with documents full of graphs. Two people shaking hands.

In 2019, companies will face a great challenge to recruit and retain the most talented people in the labor market. Employers tend to be more flexible to provide better work spaces and quality time to their employees.

These changes are made to give responsible freedom to professionals without setting production aside. Also, the new trend in the labor market seeks to favor creativity and strengthen bonds with workers.

Companies want to attract outstanding professionals by offering new technological tools. Besides, they give more freedom for employees to express their ideas.

Labor market trends

1. Flexible working hours

New generations prefer to deal with productive periods than meet the standard eight-hour day. Therefore, companies must develop a new labor model with flexible working hours.

Employees appreciate when their professional growth goes hand in hand with quality of life. Thus, they want to have control over schedule to look after personal issues.

2. Friendly spaces

Technological advances and constant working model changes encourage companies to create spaces that favor teamwork and community feeling.

Then, a fundamental part of the corporate architecture is to design environments in accord with the work team number and activity.

3. Digital tools

Since the presence of Millennials in labor market increases, the use of cutting edge technology is essential to attract new talent. Workers want to have a great variety of digital tools to complete their tasks and work remotely.

4. A new way to measure results

Employees’ efficiency will no longer be measured by hours in the workplace. That paternalistic role of the companies will disappear. Instead, professional's capacity will be measured by production results. Thereby, it doesn't matter where or when the employee completes the task. It is more important to achieve the objective on schedule.

5. Creativity

Those workers who venture to think outside the box will be more valued. With a friendly work environment and a flexible schedule, the professional can "see the project from the outside".

Companies look for new strategies to improve customer loyalty while reducing costs. That is why they need workers who offer creative solutions.

A new reality

Certainly, new trends in the labor market favor the employee. Companies have understood that they will be more efficient with better working conditions. Technological improvements have driven flexible schedules.

Nowadays, employees have the option to perform their tasks at home. Then, going to workplaces become less and less important. Achieving goals is what the boss really pursues.

Some companies that took their workers suggestions into account and established more flexible schedules have obtained good results, such as:

Decreasing work absenteeism which reduces losses in production.

Improving employees’ quality of life, as workers can adapt their schedule to avoid traffic, resolve family issues and take care of their personal life.

Recruiting and retaining the most talented people willing to release their creativity without time restrictions.

Flexible payment

This new reality brings out the best in each employee. The worker who takes advantage of the opportunities offered by the system will have greater salary benefits. Companies want to keep the brightest talent and favor the most outstanding.

The profitability of companies is linked to their efficiency. Increasing the annual payroll expense is not a viable option. Therefore, many companies have a tendency toward flexible salaries. Besides, paying for completed projects is one way to keep employees happy.