Blog Remote Work Telework from abroad is already a reality

Telework from abroad is already a reality

Remote Work
Jun 20, 2022
man on his computer sitting on the ground in a field next to a car with the door open

Who said that telework from abroad was not possible? According to a recent survey, already 35% of French business leaders are in favor of it. And several innovative companies, starting with Jobgether, are already creating the ecosystem.

There are always two ways of reporting the figures of a survey. For those who believe in half-empty bottle, the figures will never be good enough. For others, who take a more positive view (the half-full bottle), this view often allows us to broaden our perspective and to detect, in the background, the unavoidable trends that will mark the future.

The proof is in the study on telework from abroad carried out by the Opinionway institute for Remoters company.409 company managers with more than 20 employees were questioned on this subject. It is true that 60% of them believe that it is impossible to give their employees the possibility to telework if they are located outside the borders of France. But to stop at this figure and dismiss the subject out of hand would be to make a mistake.

Telework from abroad: already a good level of acceptance

While telecommuting is only just becoming the norm, the fact that 35% of respondents say that telecommuting from abroad is possible (and 14% even confirm that this option is already in place in their organization), is already a remarkable level of acceptance.

"These are results we didn't expect, Damien Corchia, co-founder of Remoters, which provides teleworkers with the right accommodation abroad for their needs, tells Jobgether. Despite all the debate around teleworking, the results of our survey show that mentalities are definitely changing. More and more managers are offering their employees modern answers to their aspirations".

As for the opponents of telework from abroad, they justify their position by citing their concerns about the quality of employees' work. 25% fear a loss of productivity and 17% fear a lack of control and support for teleworkers.

It is true that such a mode of organization requires a rethinking of processes in key areas and raises many questions around essential issues such as: international recruitment and related legal barriers, the salary policy to be applied or even the possible dissolution of the corporate culture.

However, solutions do exist. Thus, in fact, the ecosystem of telework from abroad is being set up. Remoters is an example of this in the field of housing.

Jobgether, the centerpiece of a new ecosystem

We're also seeing this with Jobgether. The company, which operates on a 100% full remote basis and whose teams are scattered over several continents, offers an AI-based job search engine specializing in remote and flexible jobs. It allows qualified individuals to find and apply for a job that fits their lifestyle with just a few clicks, while giving companies the ability to stand out by highlighting the details of their flexible work policies.

"This approach to work not only positively impacts the physical and mental well-being of professionals and helps them achieve a healthier work-life balance, but also helps companies access a broader and more diverse talent pool. At Jobgether, we see remote work as an opportunity to globalize the job market. It is the possibility for everyone to access a job anywhere in the world, but also to reduce inequalities", explains Juan Bourgois, co-founder of the company, himself based in Belgium.

Currently, Jobgether offers 10,000 jobs at about 1,000 flexibility-focused companies, including startups, scale-ups and unicorns. "For talent looking for a job, flexibility - the ability to choose where, when and how you work - is becoming the most important factor," says Arnaud Devigne, Jobgether's co-founder, who himself lives in France.

The list of companies on Jobgether is growing. The proof that telework from abroad is already a reality.