Blog Self development Remote work: why crafting a personalized workspace is so important

Remote work: why crafting a personalized workspace is so important

Self development
Jan 16, 2024
personalized workspace and remote work

This is one of the advantages of working from home. In the office, almost everything is impersonal. At home, you can personalize your workspace to your heart's content. The issue is, of course, aesthetic. But it's far from being limited to this aspect alone. An environment where you feel good helps you maintain optimum productivity. 

Choice of Location: The Sea of Tranquility

The first determining factor is location. Its choice is crucial if only to minimize the nuisance that can end up distracting you. Of course, you need to choose a quiet location, isolated from the noise of the house. In addition to natural light, you can opt for soft artificial lighting to minimize eye strain. Your workspace should also be well-ventilated. Numerous studies have shown that insufficient indoor air has a detrimental effect on performance. 

Ergonomic furniture: adaptability and comfort

This is essential to avoid musculoskeletal problems. So don't hesitate to invest in ergonomic furniture. For chairs, the obvious choice is one with adjustable lumbar support. As for the table (or desk), it should be set at the appropriate height to avoid muscular tension. In addition, adjustable supports for screens and keyboards allow you to adapt them to your specific needs.

Nature's contribution

And while we're on the subject of breathing, incorporating natural elements into your workspace can make a real difference.  A green wall, well-tended indoor plants or even a small Zen garden can create a soothing atmosphere and stimulate creativity.

Efficient organization: space optimization

The very organization of the workspace has a real influence on efficiency. Storage solutions designed to maximize the use of available space are particularly important. The more it can "breathe", the easier your work will be. Example: there's nothing more cumbersome in an office than the cables connecting computer tools. To solve this problem, there are a variety of accessories available today that allow cables to be grouped together in a single point under the desk, or to be concealed without mixing them up. Remember, clutter is the enemy of productivity

Technical equipment: performance and versatility

Without technology, there are no remote jobs. That's why IT equipment plays a central role, with the computer at the top of the list. It must be powerful enough to perform the tasks required, and have a reliable high-speed Internet connection. And don't forget to install backup solutions to protect your data.

Prioritization and Visual To-Do List 

Remote jobs require organization. Set up a visual prioritization chart. A clearly displayed to-do list can help you visualize the tasks at hand, keeping you focused on your goals.

Remote Work/Personal Life: the Last Frontier

Physically separating the work space from the rest of the home is highly recommended. Obviously, if it's a room in itself, the problem is solved. But if it's a shared space, there are several solutions, such as using screens or even plants to delimit your remote work area. You can also consider modular configurations. Multifunctional furniture or movable partitions can transform a room into several zones for various professional or personal activities.

Personalizing Space: Inspiration and Motivation

Yes, a productive space is also a space that reflects you. In other words, it needs to inspire you. Paintings, movie posters, books and specific decorative elements can be used to stimulate motivation and creativity.

Creating a Sensorial Ambience 

It's not just the visual aspect that counts. You can also stimulate your other senses... Essential oil diffusers with energizing or relaxing fragrances can influence your state of mind and have a positive effect on your concentration. Task-specific background music can also enhance your productivity.

Evaluation and adjustment: Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

Perfection doesn't exist. That's why you need to constantly re-evaluate the configuration of your workspace, especially if your needs change. It's always possible to find niches for improvement. Experience will guide you in the choices you need to make to adjust your office layout.

Be creative

Personalizing your workspace requires a good dose of creativity. But it's a must when working remotely, to maintain motivation and productivity. And you, what does your workspace look like?