Blog Remote Work Remote work: How to Bridge the Cultural Gap of Global Teams

Remote work: How to Bridge the Cultural Gap of Global Teams

Remote Work
Oct 9, 2023
remote work and global teams

It's an understatement to say that remote work, fueled by amazing tech, has totally changed the game. But along with its perks, it brings a few challenges, especially when it comes to people from different cultures coming together. How can we make such diversity a strength for remote teams?

Understanding the Cultural Mosaic

Culture is like a mixtape of life - language, customs, beliefs, values, and how we interact. When we bring these diverse mixes into remote work, sometimes we get a song that doesn't quite harmonize. So what would be the first step? Tune in to each other's frequencies and make some beautiful music together.

Speaking the Same Language, Figuratively

We don’t always have the same ways of saying things. Some say it like it is, while others like to dance around the topic. Imagine a dance-off, but with words.

For example, in some cultures, saying "no" directly might feel like a hard stop. Others might take the scenic route to decline something. Once we get the hang of this word dance, our conversations can be like a well-choreographed routine!

Work Hard, Play Hard, or Both?

Work hours and what a productive day looks like can be as varied as the colors of a rainbow. Some cultures live for long working hours, while others like to keep it balanced. It's like choosing between an action-packed movie or a chill documentary - everyone has their preference! Understanding and respecting these different work styles is like appreciating different movie genres. It's what makes movie night (or work) enjoyable for everyone.

Decision-Making: Choose Wisely

How decisions are made can be as unique as a fingerprint. In some countries, they prefer a team huddle, while others like a solo act. Both can be highly effective and ultimately deliver excellent results. Being aware of these different flavors of decision-making helps us create a balanced and successful way of decision-making.

To make sure our global team is on the right track, the trick is to choose the one that will give the best results. The best way to do this is to remain pragmatic and listen to the company's employees.

Culture Crash Course

Ever been to a foreign land and wished you knew the local lingo and customs? That's exactly what cultural sensitivity training is like! It's our passport to understanding different cultures better, so we don't feel like tourists in our own team.

Let's Talk, No Holding Back!

Imagine communication guidelines as our team's secret handshake. It's all about being open and clear, no secret codes. The demand for transparency and honesty is now universal. This is also true at the company level.

Team Hangouts, Virtually Speaking!

Virtual team-building activities are like the virtual version of a pizza night. We're coming together, having fun, and sharing a slice of our culture (and maybe a slice of pizza too!). It's a chance to show off our unique dance moves - metaphorical or real!

Bridging the Language Gap

Technology offers today the indispensable tools for connecting us across borders. They help us understand each other better, even if we speak different dialects. Another way of breaking down the language gap is to choose a working language that will be spoken by everyone. Today, the logical choice is English. And if an employee is not up to speed in this area, don't hesitate to invest in training. Real talent is in short supply. Keeping them within your company can be crucial to its success. 

Work Flexibility: A Little Give, A Little Take

Giving everyone a seat at the table and allowing them to order from the menu are similar to flexible work rules. It's about honoring everyone's preferences and ensuring that everyone receives a serving they love.

Now you’ve got the recipe to make fully distributed teams work effectively. And don’t forget. Globalization of teams is underway and it’s a one-way ticket ride.