Blog Effective recruiting How to attract passive candidates to your company

How to attract passive candidates to your company

Effective recruiting
Jun 9, 2022
group of people who work together and high-five each other

Passive candidates are often the most likely to shine in their work. Yet, for recruiters, attracting them is a real headache. How can this be done effectively? Our answers.

DevOps engineers, real estate consultants, sales people... They are all part of the skills shortage jobs list. Talents that companies are struggling to recruit because they are so scarce on the job market and, at the same time, are indispensable to them. Especially for the latter, but also for all recruiters in search of the best of the best, reaching passive candidates is essential. The passive candidate is the employee whose profile corresponds to the one you have been trying to find for months but who is not actively looking for a job. In other words, well in his position, he is hiding. As a result, he doesn't read the classified ads, ignores the job boards and, very often, doesn't even have an up-to-date Resume. Studies (LinkedIn, Undercover Recruiters...) are consistent. Passive candidates today represent 70 to 80% of the market of potential candidates and 95% for high demand jobs. It is therefore literally impossible to ignore them. But here's the thing: how do you both identify and reach them?

- Explore social network

Of course, we can’t ignore social networks. However, it is impossible to simply surf them superficially to source passive candidates. Hence the obligation to be proactive. To be effective, don't hesitate to use the advanced search features on Twitter and LinkedIn to find users who are discussing the skills you are hiring for or wondering about careers in your industry. Posting job offers and application links will probably not be enough to get passive candidates to take action. Finally, some networks such as Reddit are too often forgotten. Think about it! It's also a great way to find your dream candidate.

- Think about networking

Yes, there is real life outside the Web. And in it, networking remains one of the best ways to meet other people. Job and career fairs are ideal for meeting people looking for a job, but not for reaching passive candidates. Hence the idea of organizing or attending events that are not directly related to your company. It is recommended that you participate in seminars, symposiums or other similar settings and meet more people there. The connections established in this way will allow you to build a solid database of potential candidates.

- Promote the corporate culture

This is a fundamental factor in recruitment today. Candidates are looking for meaning. The simple description of a position is no longer enough for them. This is all the more true for passive candidates who are good at the job they hold. To attract them, don't hesitate highlighting the corporate culture and sharing articles and blogs on the type of benefits your company's employees enjoy. Make workplace wellness your company's ambassador and passive candidates will come forward.

- Personalize the contact

Once your search is complete and the passive candidate has been identified, it's time to contact them. To be as effective as possible, remember to personalize the message. Whether it's by email, phone or social media, you must constantly show what you know about them in the context of their job and why your job offer is relevant to them. Sourcing passive candidates can be difficult. Ultimately, it is a real job and recruiters are not always trained to spot them. But it's worth the effort. In many cases, it is even the only possible way to find the perfect candidate. It's enough to create a real difference for the company that will employ them.