Blog Labour Market News Despite Cop26, green jobs are on the rise

Despite Cop26, green jobs are on the rise

Labour Market News
Jun 9, 2022
Several people at a desk discussing a project

The (semi) failure of Cop26 should not make us forget that the ecological transition is well and truly underway, driven by the values of generations Y and Z and the proactive policy of many companies that are multiplying green jobs.

Should we cry with him? It is an understatement to say that the image has gone around the world. The image of Alok Sharma, President of Cop 26, with tears in his eyes, saying he was "deeply sorry" for a final agreement that the most optimistic describe as a half-success at best and the most pessimistic as a total failure. Let's be the judge of that! The agreement does not commit the 200 participating countries to limiting global warming to 1.5° C (in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement) and does not respond to the requests for aid from poor countries.


The fatal blow for the ecological transition? Not so sure, fortunately. The inaction (or wait-and-see attitude) of politicians could well be replaced by citizen action and action from the private sector in general.

The environment remains the number one priority for generations Y and Z. The 2020 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey shows this beyond doubt. According to the survey, almost half of millennials have chosen to walk or cycle more often to reduce their carbon footprint. They have stopped or limited their purchases of fast fashion and are educating themselves about the environmental aspects of the brands they consume. In addition, almost two thirds have taken steps to reduce their use of single-use plastic.

Generations Y and Z are making these demands loud and clear in their career choices. Work must be meaningful. There is no question of sacrificing the planet to the sirens of money and the quest for profit at all costs. From now on, the company must be a bearer of value. Their own. CSR has now become a real recruitment argument.


At the same time, the reality of the ecological transition is also materializing in the multiplication of green jobs, the jobs that are linked to it. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), a green economy will generate 24 million new jobs worldwide over the next decade, for careers encompassing a range of different professions, from engineering to transport, water and energy.

In France, the France Relance 2030 plan, with a budget of €100 billion over two years, devotes €30 million to the ecological transition. Its impact is particularly expected in the following areas: transport, energy, housing, water and agriculture. However, sustainable development now goes beyond these sectors alone and green jobs are gradually becoming a cross-cutting issue for the entire economy.


There is currently a real rise in all these professions," Isabelle Mouret de Lotz, Head of Executive Search at the recruitment firm Birdeo, which specializes in positive impact professions, confirms for Jobgether . It is visible on two levels. Firstly, the people who take charge of these impact issues (green, social, governance, etc.) are playing an increasingly important role in the strategic thinking of companies and the business as such, and are now making their way onto the management committees of organizations. On the other hand, they are increasingly in demand for experts (climate, carbon footprint, etc.) who strengthen the teams and their ability to understand these new issues.

This is why it is no longer rare to find institutions in the financial sector looking for their "green & sustainable cross asset advisor", or companies in the luxury sector looking to hire their "sustainable procurement & biodiversity specialist", or even a major retailer wanting to hire a "project manager for the annual sustainable development report".

These are all green jobs that didn't exist a few years ago and that have come to materialize an ecological transition which, despite all the obstacles, is alive and well.