Blog Labour Market News Artificial intelligence is the ally of flexibility

Artificial intelligence is the ally of flexibility

Labour Market News
Jul 7, 2023
Artificial Intelligence helps to get more work flexibility

At a time when work-life balance is more important than ever, the democratization of artificial intelligence will transform the organization of work, pushing for ever greater flexibility.

Artificial intelligence (AI), again and again and again. It is establishing itself as a powerful force capable of disrupting our lives, and fuelling our fears. At the same time, technology holds great promise. This is also true for the professional world that could be revolutionized by the introduction of AI, transforming jobs and the very organization of work. 

Enhancing creativity at work

AI will undoubtedly make it easier to automate repetitive and monotonous tasks. Good news for employees, who will be able to concentrate on higher-level problems. This will stimulate creativity and innovation. The very nature of jobs will be transformed, becoming far more intellectually stimulating and consequently boosting both professional and personal development. 

A good path for learning

In this respect, AI can play a very significant role. It is capable of understanding the learning methods best suited to each employee, thanks to the power of its algorithms. As a result, it can create highly personalized development programs, tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each individual employee. In so doing, it responds to a growing trend, with employees now demanding training throughout their careers, so that they can adapt to the new challenges they are bound to encounter in an ever-changing professional landscape.

Facilitating decision-making 

This is also one of the great advances that AI offers. It will provide everyone with a powerful decision-making tool. Let's not forget that AI algorithms can analyze phenomenal quantities of data. It can therefore provide a wealth of valuable information to help users make informed decisions. The expected outcome is an improved performance, with the corollary of increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Towards a better work-life balance

Work-life balance is one of the major trends of the moment, particularly driven by generations Y and Z. The balance between personal and professional life is now in high demand. How can AI help? Quite simply, by automating tasks and providing decision-support systems, AI can free time for a better personal/professional balance.

In favor of remote jobs

Is AI a natural ally for remote jobs and flexibility? As we know, remote work requires efficient communication tools, to ensure proper collaboration between remote teams. Take, for example, the considerable advances made in NLP (Natural Language Processing) in recent years. Thanks to NLP, virtual assistants can help plan tasks, improve document-sharing processes and facilitate fluid communication across time zones. AI-powered solutions thus help to facilitate the work of remote teams. 

Flexibility: the 4-day workweek case

But this revolution does not only concern remote work. Flexibility also means the possible introduction of a 4-day workweek. This idea has been gaining momentum in recent months. In this context, AI can play a crucial role. Indeed, just in the past six months, the potential for AI to boost efficiency and productivity has sharply increased.

This can help proactive, innovative organizations to automate tasks as well as streamline administrative processes, and share the benefit of these efficiencies with their employees in the form of reduced work time. We may also see work time reduction policy interventions from governments and public sectors to smooth the impact of AI on those professions and industries that will be most severely impacted.

Of course, artificial intelligence also has its dangers. But like all technology, it is what humans make of it. AI has the potential to free up time and lead to a positive reappraisal of our relationship with work by promoting flexibility. From a dystopian perspective, however, many are afraid that, at worst, IA will lead us into a nightmarish situation a la 2001: A Space Odyssey/Terminator/Matrix. That’s why it is of utmost importance to have an ethical debate on this subject. The latter is essential if we are not to take the wrong road. So it's up to us to get it right. Right?