Blog Self development Understanding Boredom

Understanding Boredom

Self development
Jun 9, 2022
Man at his desk in front of his computer, head in his hands, several paper documents thrown in a ball on the table

From its causes to its effects, everything you need to know about bore-out, a symptom of boredom-induced exhaustion that can lead to the suicide of those who suffer from it.

Burn-out, nowadays everyone knows about it. Exhaustion resulting from too much overwork, it is now, under certain conditions, recognized as an occupational disease.

But what about bore-out? First theorized in 2007 by Peter Werder and Peter Rothlin, it refers to the exhaustion syndrome caused by boredom, a phenomenon that is said to affect a growing number of employees.

Bore-out: deleterious effects on health

The bore-out employee is demotivated, anxious, sad. He suffers a loss of self-esteem. He is constantly walking around with a feeling of dissatisfaction and frustration that can end up spilling over into his private life. In its most severe forms, bore-out can cause serious mental disorders, such as depression, which can lead to suicide.

Bore-out: What causes it?

A multitude of work situations can be the cause of a bore-out situation. Some of the most common are the following:

  • Pushing the employee aside
  • Lack or absence of work
  • Repetitive and boring tasks
  • Occupying a position with no defined mission

If these situations are setin place over time, they will eventually produce pernicious effects that can lead to the serious situations mentioned above. This is why it is essential to spot the firstsigns as quickly as possible.

Bore-out: how to recognize it?

Victims of burn-out, people who are overwhelmed by work will end up developing chronic stress that will increase their vulnerability, especially since the efforts made are almost never rewarded. As a victim of bore-out, the employee loses interest in his or her work, fatigue takes over, and concentration difficulties multiply. He feelsisolated from his colleagues at work. Finally, he ends up with a permanent feeling of uselessness.

Bore-out:what are the solutions?

First of all, it is a question of identifying the origin of the problem. An often difficult step. All the more so as the victim may feel ashamed to complain about the boredom he or she is feeling, while work mates do not share the same feelings under any circumstances. However, once the causes of bore-out have been identified, one should not hesitate to talk about it with colleagues and one's direct superior. It is thus possible to motivate the employee by entrusting him with rewarding projects with concrete objectives to be achieved. Restoring meaning to professional tasks is one of the best ways to counter the harmful effects of bore-out. The implementation of an individual support plan is, in this context, particularly recommended.

Bore-out: a syndrome that is still taboo

In 2016, for the first time in France, an employee decided to challenge his dismissal before the courts. According to him, he was pushed aside which had caused him to sink into depression. The first bore-out trial ended in 2018 with a decision in favor of the plaintiff. The company that employed him was convicted. Except that it was convicted of "moral harassment". Although the link between health and employment status was indeed established, this is not the case of the bore-out, which remains without formal recognition.

Bore-out: don't hesitate to seek a new job

Es posible que no haya una solución interna frente al bore-out . En este caso, se debe considerar y negociar una salida de la empresa para la que trabaja. Esto es aún más cierto hoy en día, ya que la satisfacción con la situación profesional se ha convertido en un parámetro esencial para los empleados. La prueba: según una encuesta del Ifop realizada para el sitio, mientras que el 60% de los empleados franceses colocan el salario en la cima de los criterios más motivadores, el 67% dice que es la satisfacción de un trabajo bien hecho y su reconocimiento lo que les empuja a su puesto de trabajo cada mañana. Hoy en día las empresas negligentes en este ámbito corren el riesgo de ver a sus mejores empleados irse uno por uno para prosperar en otras estructuras. Así que, si no eres feliz en tu trabajo, si lo consideras un obstáculo para tu realización personal, no lo dudes: ¡huye de él! Con la disminución del desempleo, las oportunidades se multiplican. Ahora es el momento de actuar. Jobgether fue creado para ayudarte a encontrar el trabajo que más te convenga. Únete a nosotros y completa tu perfil en